Return On Investment(ROI),
How to Calculate it, and
What does exactly means?

What is Return On Investment (ROI)

Return on investment (ROI) is a performance metric that may be used to compare the effectiveness of several different investments or assess how profitable or efficient an investment is. In relation to the investment's cost, ROI seeks to precisely quantify the return on a given investment.

The ROI is computed by dividing the investment's cost by its benefit, also known as return. A ratio or a percentage is used to indicate the outcome.


  • One common profitability statistic used to assess how well an investment has done is return on investment (ROI).
  • ROI is computed as a percentage by dividing the net return (or loss) on an investment by the original outlay or cost.
  • ROI may be used to rate investments in various projects or assets and perform apples-to-apples comparisons.
  • ROI may overlook the opportunity costs of making an alternative investment since it does not account for the holding duration or the passage of time.
  • One should evaluate an opportunity's ROI in relation to other available possibilities.
  • The benefit (or return) of an investment is divided by the investment's cost to determine ROI. Either a percentage or a ratio is used to convey the outcome.

  • How to Calculate Return On Investment

    The proceeds from the sale of the interest-bearing investment are referred to as the "current value of the investment." ROI may be easily compared with returns from other investments since it is expressed as a percentage, making it possible to compare different investment kinds to one another.

    Example of Return On Investment Calculation:

    An investor purchases property A, which is valued at $500,000. Two years later, the investor sells the property for $1,000,000.

    We use the investment gain formula in this case.

    ROI = (1,000,000 – 500,000) / (500,000) = 1 or 100%

    Use of Return On Investment Calculations:

    ROI computations are easy to use and may be used to determine whether to accept or reject an investment opportunity. The computation may also serve as a barometer for the current performance of an investment. A positive or negative return on investment (ROI) can provide valuable insight into the investment's worth for the investor.

    An investor can distinguish between underperforming and performing assets by using a ROI calculation. Investors and portfolio managers might try to maximize their investments with this method.

    Benefits of ROI Formula:

  • Simple and Easy to Calculate:

  • Because return on investment is so simple to compute, it is an often used statistic. The benefit and the cost are the only two numbers that are needed. Since there is no set definition for what constitutes a "return," the ROI formula may be used with ease, even if it might mean various things to different individuals.

  • Universally Understood:

  • Since return on investment is a widely accepted notion, you can pretty much count on others understanding you when you bring up the measure in discussion.

    Limitation of Return On Investment:

  • Disregards the Factor of Time:

  • A superior investment opportunity is not necessarily indicated by a greater ROI figure. For instance, the ROI of 50% is the same for two investments. But although the second investment takes five years to generate the same amount, the first investment is finished in three. The larger picture was obscured by the equal return on investment for both, but the investor could clearly tell which choice was preferable when time was taken into account.

  • ROI Formula is Susceptible to Manipulation:

  • Depending on the ROI methodology applied, two people's ROI calculations will be different. The property estimate provided in the example section can be used by a marketing manager without taking into consideration other expenses such property taxes, maintenance charges, sales commissions, stamp duty, and legal fees.

    Annualised Return On Investment Formula:

  • As was already indicated, one disadvantage of the conventional return on investment statistic is that time periods are not taken into consideration. A 25% return over five years, for instance, may be stated in the same way as a 25% return over five days. Of all, a 25% return in 5 days is still better than a 25% return in 5 years!

  • We can compute an annualized ROI calculation to get around this problem.

    ROI Formula = [(Ending Value / Beginning Value) ^ (1 / # of Years)] – 1

    Frequently Asked Question

    Various factors can affect ROI. These include the amount invested, the rate of return, the length of time that an investment is held, taxes and fees, inflation, and market volatility. Businesses should consider all these factors when calculating and measuring their ROI.

    Whereas if a company ineffectively utilizes an investment and produces losses, ROI will be low. For investors, choosing a company with a good return on investment is important because a high ROI means that the firm is successful at using the investment to generate high returns.

    According to conventional wisdom, an annual ROI of approximately 7% or greater is considered a good ROI for an investment in stocks. The average annual return of the Nifty 50 Index is about 14.2% CAGR since the year 1999.

    An efficient marketing campaign may result in a cost ratio of 5:1—that is, $5 generated for every $1 spent, with a simple marketing ROI of 400%. An excellent campaign might see a cost ratio of $10 generated for every dollar spent (10:1) with a simple marketing ROI of 900%.

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